Turned cartwheels 'cross the floor...
Who can forget the lyrics of Procol Harum's A Whiter Shade of Pale ? even though I wasn't born in '67 when it was released.
Yesterday it was announced this song has topped the chart of most played songs of the last 75 years, beating Queens Bohemian Rhapsody which came in at number 2. (The Guardian).
No shocks to see Robbie Williams' Angels in the top 10 too, but was surprised Led Zeppelins' Stairway to Heaven doesn't make an appearance.
I guess my most played track has to be something off Marillions' Misplaced Childhood album. Whats yours ?
Todays photo is of my very own Kayley who turns 20 next week with her whiter shade of pale man on the banks of the Thames.
Procol Harums 'whiter shade of pale' has always been a fav with me -must have been one of my most played tracks during my younger years. Not surprised it was voted no: 1.